domingo, 1 de enero de 2012

Ray of Sunshines Casa 2

Tias and I -LOVE them!  

Tia Ellie giving haircuts to the ninos

My homies B. and A.

Gotta love D. !!!

D. and I being silly

This is what happens when Tia Ellie has clippers LOL!!!

C. peeling papas

A. chopping pumpkin, mmmmmm

Tia Ellie reading to the ninos

J. was very well behaved and got to go to La Concha con Tia Alexis

A. was very well behaved as well!

I think we have a model on our hands people

And maybe J. too haha

And with these all things are possible thru Christ!

Cutie Pie :)

J. and I at La Concha because she was a great listener

Love the look on A's face, she is so expressive

Tia Alexis brought 24 kt. gold dust for the ninas

Aren't they're eyes beautiful!! her

This is what happens when M. decides to do his own hair, haha

The Bandits of Casa De Amor

Well family, you asked what we ate here, heres a good look! haha

J. lookin all gangster and stuff

Making necklaces with the grande ninas after Christmas

My gift to them

E. who has an amazing personality and is always out to make you laugh

He made a watch out of a toilette paper roll, so creative!!!!

Precious D.

Helping Tias in the Kitchen

A. and I

A and I (She loves giving me xoxo)

Mama Gato (that no one likes but me)

Baby Gato

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